Why does your product need a usability review?

There are many terms for what we are talking about here. Some say ‘Usability Review’, others say ‘Design Review’ and in more technical terms, it is referred to as ‘Heuristic Evaluation’. They all mean more or less the same after all.
What Google Dictionary says:
Elaborating its meaning in our world:
A heuristic evaluation is a usability detection method for digital products that helps in identifying usability glitches in the product design. It involves reviewing, judging and evaluating the design on the basis of the usability principles, which is also known as heuristics.
Many say that Heuristic Evaluation covers the evaluation of User Interface (UI). That being merely a myth, it is done considering the product’s overall User Experience (UX), of which UI is a subset.
The following ‘Hows’ is supported by the example of a Usability Review that we recently did for Clear Tax, which provides Tax related solutions in India.
Designers are most often driven by their design to an extent that they can not come out of their zone and experience their own designs from user’s perspective. During HE, the product is seen by experts from the perspective and psychology of users. Various psychological models are considered, such as:
A. PerceptionB. LearningC. Mental models that are used for predicting interactionsD. Emotion-driven behaviourE. Cognitive stress and biasesF. Problem Solving and Decision Making
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It is important to consider principles of design and not just Principles of UX. By considering universal design principles which are coined to put light on human factors, the pinched design solutions could be spotted. Most design principles come hand in hand with solution based implications which makes way for improvement, and in turn, improves the experience of the product as a whole.
It is fairly impossible to put them all in a nutshell, it is highly dependent on personal approach and style of designers towards design, and also changes from time to time.
One of the best known and commonly practised sources of heuristics is the set- Ten Usability Heuristics developed by Nielsen in 1994.
Well, this doesn’t mean that reviewers assign a specific heuristic to each potential problem. Heuristic Evaluation is an overall judgment of the product.
Also read: Evaluating UX Design: Is Your Digital Product Granny-Friendly?
From our experience of doing more than 100 reviews, we have found out that- on an average, there is a potential of 2x increase in user engagement and revenue.
Discovering some glitches in the design and improving them, is surely something to desire for. It proves to be helpful in shaping a desired user experience, improving user engagement and eventually benefit your business.
We, at Aubergine, are all for spreading good experience out there. Have a look at some usability reviews that we have been up to recently:
Analytics Solution for NoSQL DataB2B, Web app
Usability Review here
Hospitality Technology
B2C, Web app
Usability Review here
Event Management Software
B2C, Mobile app
Usability Review here
There might not be a lot of WOW moments, but that’s not gonna hurt for sure. Because finding those spots and converting them to WOW is what we are doing this for, isn’t it?
Also read: Usability Review of Noom: A Health & Wellness Tech Startup